WWII Refugees

@TheJDC Rescued the Krakowiak family during #WWII by providing passage on the SS #SerpaPinto

@TheJDC Rescued the Krakowiak family during #WWII by providing passage on the SS #SerpaPinto

The Krakowiaks were among 157 Polish Jews lingering in #Portugual, since they could find no other country to accept them.
Finally, after twenty months in a "fixed residence" in Figueira da Foz, as the Nazis were making lists in order to send them back to Poland, the American Joint Distribution Committee in cooperation with the #Polish government-in-exile and the #British government arranged for the Krakowiaks to be shipped to Gibraltar Camp, Jamaica, BWI.
They thought they would be free on this island paradise. Instead, they found themselves in a situation of semi-internment "protected" by a barbed wire fence.

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